Kindness and expecting something back

How selfish should I be? If we feel unfairly treated we feel resentment if we stay silent. Often when doing kind gestures, there is the expectation for a “thank you” or a smile or some kind of recognition, and often we get it back, and sometimes we don’t – and boy do I remember the don’ts. I read somewhere that it takes 17 good words to counter one negative word – that’s how our minds are.

So don’t force yourself to be nice, if you can’t help but expect something back, then just be neutral instead. Go about your day and treat yourself selfishly.  When the moment comes where you achieve something good; in a hobby, at school or in sports, that fills your heart with joy and zest, you will naturally help others and spread happiness like a fountain of joy – and it will rain upon everyone like bliss.

Have a good Saturday

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