That’s where the ache ends

I see your tears and hear your cry, and it’s not like a bum like me knows anything, but maybe that’s worth something. I don’t know your story or how you feel. I mean, I see tears, I hear you say your mama left you, but that’s not a story, that’s a sentence. But, kiddo I tell you one thing. A whole lotta problems come from assuming that because you feel this or think that, then something must follow. I first heard this from a beggar who used to be a monk. He was this big rich business man who went full spiritual thing in a crisis, and then spent eight years in a monastery up in the Alps. Sat on a white mountain for eight years, did he. He still has a couple of millions in the bank, but prefers to sit on park benches and smile at the sky and what not. But I am forgetting myself, the point is that nothing follows. Cause and effect? No, man. It’s like them waves after a boat, you know, doesn’t affect where the ship is going. Like the past doesn’t affect your steering, right? Unless you’re looking back, nobody can do that and not hit into problems.  There is this event, what happens next, is like this event, but also another event, if you compare ‘em. So don’t compare, just comprehend. With silence. Like, don’t say your mama’s mean cause she left you, you be the silence. Yeah, the silence brings you what you need. The silence will provide and protect. It’ll sculpture you into perfection, boy! You think cause your mama left you, you’ve gotta do something. Cause you feel your heart aching and you wanna make it stop, but like, that’s a hoax, man. A total hoax. It is the assumption you make that by proceeding into some steps, it’ll ease the ache, but it’ll only make it more sticky. Your thinking grows tight, no air to see and breathe. Sit still, and be the silence. Then, maybe your mama comes back, or you get into a home, or none of that happens, it’s like you can’t control it. But you wanna escape the ache and so you feel the need to control. Control your mama, control your aching, control them thoughts of fury that keep hammering on your front-door like wild dogs. Makes you get stuck. Instead, you just sit still and let the silence come, man. Silence clears the water, makes you see the bottom. All the way, deep into the darkness you’ll see it so easily. It’s like the darkness turns into light. That’s where the ache ends, you know, at the bottom of that dark sea. With the silence you move like a pro, all the traps you sweep right through, don’t even walk around ‘em, you just flow through the barriers like they’re not there – like it’s air, man.

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